
Rabu, 02 Mei 2012


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Classification and external materials
Spiral-shaped organism image which causes syphilis
ICD - 10 A 50. - A 53.
ICD - 9 090 - 097
MedlinePlus 001 327
eMedicine med/2224 emerg/563 derm/413
MESH D013587

Syphilis is a disease caused by a sexually transmitted bacterial spirochaete , Treponema pallidum .
Transmission is usually through sexual contact, but there are some other examples such as direct contact and congenital syphilis (mother to child transmission through the uterus ).
Symptoms and signs of syphilis are many and different; before development serologikal tests, diagnosis is difficult and the disease is often called the "Great imitator" because it is often mistaken for other diseases.
In the United States , about 36,000 cases of syphilis are reported each year, and the actual figure is higher diperkiran. Approximately three-fifths of cases happen to him.
If untreated, syphilis can cause serious effects such as damage to the nervous system, heart , or brain . Untreated syphilis can be fatal. People who have chances of getting syphilis or find a sex partner might be infected with syphilis are encouraged to immediately see a doctor as soon as possible.
Syphilis can be treated with penicillin or antibiotics other. According to statistics, treatment with the pill less effective than other treatments, because patients usually do not complete treatment. Oldest and still effective way is by the injection of procaine penicillin in each buttock (procaine opted to reduce pain) should be given a half dose in each buttock because when used as a single dose will cause pain. Another way is to give a capsule azithromycin by mouth (has a duration of time) and must be observed. This method may fail because there are several types of syphilis resistant to azithromycin and about 10% of cases occurred in 2004. Other treatments are less effective because the patients are required to take pills several times per day.
Health care professionals suggest safer sex performed by using a condom when having sex, but can not guarantee a definite keeper. The best proposal is the prevention of sexual activity with a person who has a venereal disease and infectious disease with a negative status.
This disease in men is more visible symptoms compared with women perempuan.Biasanya gejalanya.Gejala not know that there is such a red rash in the genital area, and usually very gatal.Meski women will not know whether he was suffering from syphilis, should guard against contracting the disease and passing it on to the lain.Dan for men should also keep yourself from getting infected or pass it to people lain.Cara only to prevent this from happening is faithful to their partners and are also routinely inspected by a doctor so as not to become too severe.

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